Networking – myths, benefits and more…
Oct 2020

Over the years we as a team have attended many networking events. Back in the “old days” we’ve gone to many face to face meetings over breakfast, lunch and even evening events with a free bar! It’s a great place to meet new people from all sectors.
BUT what you can become is a “Serial Networker“! So choose your groups carefully and spend your time wisely. Don’t forget time is money.
We understand the importance of investing time into networking and meeting new people. Educating your connections about what you do is key to creating new potential business opportunities.
Networking groups have adapted to the new way of working by moving everything online and this is working extremely well. I believe many networking sessions will continue to stay online as this involves far less travel time giving you flexibility to visit more groups and in turn meet more people.
What’s your elevator pitch?
Before any meeting be clear about what your “Elevator pitch” is. What’s this I hear you ask! If you’re in an elevator (OK a lift as we are English!) we’re going up a couple of floors and someone asks you what you do, how do you get this across making it impactful and enticing for them to want to know more – in 15-20 seconds?
Have a think about this, getting it right is key. You can always tweak and amend this but having one is a great place to start.
The team here are members of Networkin who run sessions all over Cheshire, Staffordshire and Lancashire.
Their values are “They encourage proactive participation within an advocator framework to create business growth and personal development opportunities through INterconnection, INspiration and INfluence”
If you would like to come along as a visitor please drop us an email we’d be happy to send you an invite [email protected]
We also attend Wind Down which is a monthly networking event organised by Watts Mortgage & Wealth Management, Poole Alcock and Afford Bond. This is now an online event which starts at 4pm so bring a brew or beer its your choice! Fancy attending please register here.
Get out there, meet new people, make new connections and generate new business opportunities.
Good luck and have fun!