Software Investment
Sep 2021

From bespoke CRMs, sophisticated logistics systems, global learning, and enterprise resource planning portals we understand the importance and impact of technology within a business and create solutions to deliver results.
Most companies buy the software they need ‘off the shelf’ and fit their business to that software but for others, that’s not an option.
We partner with companies to deliver software that does exactly what they need and so has a direct impact on their business success, and we go on to support and maintain it long term. Crucially, our clients regard software as an investment and not a cost.
Through our contract with Everything Genetic Ltd, our software is used by organisations such as Bupa and P&O Cruises, and via other clients we also support; BT, Facebook, the MOD, the NHS, and many, many more.
We’re currently supporting a client, an online retailer, who is opening a physical store in Covent Garden. We’re busy integrating the existing warehouse inventory, that we built, with the new EPOS system so that stock can be managed and sold across multiple locations.
Businesses we’re looking for might be experiencing growing pains and would benefit from software to make their processes more efficient; maybe they use Excel to manage things; they might be using an old system that is no longer fit for purpose or just want something unique to differentiate them from their competitors.
We’re always happy to talk to help understand what’s possible.
Please feel free to get in touch [email protected] or call us on 0330 0435 371